Shockwave therapy is used most commonly to treat the tendon tissue and has a high success rate. In fact, studies have found that this procedure has up to 80% success rate.

Here are a few more key details regarding shockwave therapy that are not as well-known.

It’s a Non-Invasive Alternate to Surgery

Unlike surgery, shock wave therapy is completely non-invasive. This means that no incisions will be made on the patient’s body, nor will any damaged tissue be removed. Instead, through mechanically generated shockwaves, the affected or injured area will be treated by the high energy waves.  

It Gives Quick Results

Not only is the procedure itself a short one, but it also produces results in a short time span. In fact, patients experience almost immediate pain relief after the session is complete. In cases where the condition being treated is more severe, the painful symptoms are significantly reduced after the first cycle.  

It Treats Different Types of Pain

Shockwave therapy is used for treating various musculoskeletal conditions pertaining to the knees, elbows, wrists, shoulder, neck, and feet. Medical ailments such as tendinitis, jumper’s knee, tennis elbows, and hip bursitis can all be treated effectively through this method. Additionally, it’s been found to be extremely beneficial for relieving chronic lower back pain.  

Furthermore, shockwave therapy is also effective for treating Peyronie’s Disease (bent penis syndrome), calcific rotator cuffs, refractory plantar fasciitis (policeman’s heel), and Achilles injuries. Apart from the tissue-related conditions, this form of treatment may also be used for soothing discomfort caused by stress fractures and non-healing ulcers.  

It’s Painless!

In shockwave therapy, patients aren’t subjected to intolerable levels of pain as is the case in many other laser and surgical procedures. Typically, there’s little discomfort involved and local anaesthesia isn’t required. The patient may feel a slight tingling sensation during the process. This too, is short-lived and doesn’t last more than a few minutes. Overall, the procedure is free of pain and major discomfort.

Number of Sessions Can Vary

Usually, a person requires up to three shockwave therapy sessions, each with 2000 shocks. However, these can vary depending on the nature of the condition being treated and their tissue response. Based on this, you may need less or more shockwave therapy sessions as part of the cumulative treatment.  Each session is performed after an interval of one week.  

Sports & Exercise Medicine Institute clinics based in Ontario offer a multitude of sports medicine services. These include shockwave therapy, sports podiatry, physiotherapy, active release techniques, acupuncture, and sports massage, among others.

Our clinics are located in Sheppard, St. Claire, Thornhill, and the greater Toronto area. Get in touch with our team by calling at 1-844-223-7364 to learn more about our services!