Physiotherapy has long been used to treat various musculoskeletal conditions as well as sports injuries. Be it for muscle stiffness, stress fractures, or as part of a rehabilitation program, physiotherapy has been immensely effective in treating injuries.

Here’s how the process helps you quickly regain health.

It Gives You a Timely Diagnosis

If you’ve been experiencing persistent discomfort in your calves or can’t seem to get rid of the pain in your left knee, then a trip to the physiotherapist can help you!

While most people schedule a physiotherapy appointment to help heal an existing injury, this doesn’t always have to be the case. By visiting a trained physiotherapist when the pain becomes prolonged, you can receive not only a diagnosis of your condition but also begin treatment for it.

It Provides Individualized Treatment Plans

When it comes to devising a treatment plan, a standardized strategy doesn’t always cut it. Different ailments and conditions require different types of treatment. This also holds true for physiotherapy treatments and strategies.

It may seem like the easier option to do a simple Google search and start your own exercise routine, but this can be more detrimental to your health than beneficial. A trained physiotherapist will be able to create a customized treatment plan for you, that’ll help you heal faster. Through a differential diagnosis, they’ll know exactly what orthopaedic or musculoskeletal condition you have, and will implement a treatment plan specifically for that issue.  

It Promotes Wellness and Improved Lifestyle

Physiotherapy is more than just exercising. It actually promotes a healthier lifestyle by keeping you educated about your body and how you can help take care of it.

In your physiotherapy sessions, you’ll be learning how to perform certain exercises or stretches, as well as why there was a need for them in the first place. This’ll keep you informed about what movements to do and which ones to avoid to escalate your recovery process and the prevention of or worsening of your injuries.

It Improves Balance and Mobility

Another thing physiotherapy does is improve your range of motion and enhance your mobility. In addition to this, it also helps you regain balance.

This is especially useful while you’re recovering from a past injury, as it improves your overall coordination. As a result, you’re able to resume other daily activities with ease, such as walking or bending your knee while sitting.  

It Helps You Avoid Invasive Surgeries

Healing from a sports injury doesn’t necessarily need surgery! You can avoid invasive and expensive procedures altogether by engaging in physiotherapy with a timely intervention.

While this is often a recommended treatment form for individuals recovering from a surgical procedure, physiotherapy can be used as a stand-alone treatment as well. Depending on the nature of the injury, sports physiotherapy may be used as an alternate (and non-invasive) option. It’s extremely beneficial for healing meniscal tears, spinal stenosis, and rotator cuff tears, among many other injuries.  

Sports & Exercise Medicine Institute clinics based in Ontario offer a multitude of sports medicine services. Our sports physiotherapy services are performed by a team of highly qualified physiotherapists who have expertise in this field.  We also provide shockwave therapy, sports podiatryactive release techniques, acupuncture, and sports massage, among others.

Our clinics are located in Sheppard, Thornhill, St. Claire, and greater Toronto. Get in touch with our team by calling at 1-844-223-7364 to learn more about our services!