Acupuncture is a very controversial topic in medical circles, when it comes to treatment practices. The condition originates in China, where practitioners thought that the stimulation of certain points could help heal people. When it comes to musculoskeletal injuries, it is said to help people manage their pain and induce an analgesic response that can help them function.
Ultimately, acupuncture can only be used as a way to help people manage their pain. The improvement of pain management techniques is important to help people recover from their injuries. If an effective combination of acupuncture is created with rehabilitation exercises, it can significantly improve recovery times.
What is Acupuncture
Acupuncture therapy involves inserting needles right beneath the surface of the skin, to stimulate the nerves near the surface. The needles are used to provide gentle shocks that can stimulate nerve endings in a way that these provide relief to the patient.
This method has become widely accepted as a treatment option for people suffering from muscular injuries. As part of a multi-tiered treatment approach, acupuncture provides a very good alternative to other pain management techniques such as medication.
Pain Relief
Although acupuncture can’t cure a broken bone or some other injury, it can be a very effective supplementary treatment. Evidence indicates that acupuncture can be a superior alternative to painkillers, without any side-effects. The effectiveness of acupuncture in helping relieve pain, makes it a very valuable part of overall treatment.
When combined with massage therapy and physiotherapy, it can help improve recovery rates to no end. As physiotherapy helps people regain mobility, massage therapy and acupuncture can reduce the resulting soreness.
What Conditions Can it Be Used for
Acupuncture therapy can be used to manage multiple musculoskeletal conditions. Since it helps people relax, it has a broad range of uses in terms of helping loosen sore muscles. For this reason, it becomes especially effective for the management of arthritic conditions, back pain and similar painful conditions.
Of course these aren’t the only conditions that it can be used for. People who have suffered from sports injuries, sprains and strains or those who have undergone surgery can all benefit. If ever you suffer such a condition, acupuncture is a very useful treatment that you could consider for your pain.
Semi sports medical is a collection of orthopedic clinics in Toronto. We offer our clients state of the art treatment options for their musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. Our services include acupuncture, massage therapy, physiotherapy and many other treatments for injured muscles/bones. Get in touch with us today for more information on our services or to get an appointment.